SACEUR (Supreme Allied Commander Europe) is based at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in?
A. Brussels, Belgium
B. Casteau, Belgium
C. Washington, USA
D. Pentagon, USA
A. Brussels, Belgium
B. Casteau, Belgium
C. Washington, USA
D. Pentagon, USA
A. London
B. Brussels
C. Warsaw
D. Geneva
A. David S. Cohen
B. Mike Pompeo
C. William J. Burns
D. None of the above
A. Belgium
B. Netherlands
C. Germany
D. Poland
A. Shifted to Warsaw in 1955
B. Shifted to Paris in 1952
C. Shifted to Brussels in 1956
D. Location changed within London in 1953
A. Warsaw in 1950, Brussels in 1967 and new place at Brussels in 2015
B. Berlin in 1952, Brussels in 1967 and new place at Brussels in 2016
C. Paris in 1952, Brussels in 1967 and new place at Brussels in 2018
D. Vienna in 1952, Brussels in 1967 and new place at Brussels in 2019
E. Brussels in 1967 and new place at Brussels in 2016
A. Boulevard Leopold II
B. Boulevard Leopold III
C. Boulevard Leopold IV
D. Boulevard Leopold V
A. Japan
B. India
C. China
D. Malaysia
A. Intensive Care Unit
B. Identifying Charging Unit
C. Intensive Control Unit
D. International Conference on Unity