The longest EU-funded underwater tunnel in Europe opened in Poland will connect which two islands?
A. Usedom and Wolin
B. Ostro and Konski
C. Port and Chelminek
D. Olowianka and Karsibor
A. Usedom and Wolin
B. Ostro and Konski
C. Port and Chelminek
D. Olowianka and Karsibor
A. Olowianka
B. Usedom
C. Slodowa
D. None of the above
A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16
A. Consignment
B. Cargo
C. Shipment
D. Transportation
A. Mount Dukono
B. Mount Rainier
C. Mount Semeru
D. Mount Erebus
A. North America
B. Europe
C. Australia
D. Africa
A. Kuwait
B. Iran
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Iraq
A. Alpine forests
B. Mangrove forests
C. Evergreen forests
D. Monsoon forests
A. Mount Dukono
B. Mount Rainier
C. Mount Semeru
D. Mount Erebus
A. Mid oceanic Ridge
B. Oceanic Trench
C. Continental Slope
D. Abyssal Plains